Pretty much every program you can think of has a license. The license is there to lay out the rules of what you can and can't do with said software. There are many licenses, but the 2 that seem to be very common is the GPL and BSD license. For those who don't know, the GPL is a copyleft license. It wants to make sure that people don't fork their project only to make it proprietary and potentially put spyware in it. The BSD license on the other hand is a more laid back license that lets you do that. However, there has been some controversy with both of these licenses. Some say that BSD is a 'cuck license' because someone wrote minix under the BSD license only for it to be forked and used in the Intel Management Engine backdoor. It is also said that if he licensed minix under the GPL instead, this wouldn't have happened (or that intel would've had to write their own os). On the other hand, some say the GPL is an unnecessary license that is too restrictive, and especially too restrictive when used for smaller projects that many would argue don't need such a serious license.
Despite BSD being a more permissive license, it too does have some restrictions and both of these licenses can take some time to wrap your head around. But what if I told you that despite all of this controversy, debating, and confusion, there is a license that simply doesn't care about your feelings. A license that dodges all of the hours of arguments about cuck licenses, freetardism, misunderstandings regarding this and that license, and so on. I am of course talking about the WTFPL.
When I first heard about the WTFPL, at first I thought it was probably nothing more than a joke. The license is so permissive it's about the same as having no license at all. It's also so short and to the point, I can paste it here for you to read in just a few seconds.
DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam HocevarEveryone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.
That's it. The only rule here is that you need to change the name of the license if you change it's contents. That's understandable, but the funny thing about that is it feels like this license is a lie if it restricts even a single thing since it literally says "You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.". If I take this license, add a bunch of arbitrary restrictions, but still call it the WTFPL, that's just me doing whatever the fuck I feel like.
Oh well. Maybe I can give it the benefit of the doubt and say the "You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO." rule only really applies to the software under the license and not the license itself. Let me move on before I overcomplicate this.
Anyways, the WTFPL is a license I honestly find kind of interesting despite the silly meme nature behind it. That may be percisely what makes this a good license. It doesn't care about enforcing anything, it doesn't care about copyleft, and it certainly doesn't care whether or not you label it as a 'cuck license' or 'freetardism' because the WTFPL doesn't care what you think. I could see this license being used not just for meme projects, but any project where you're just making it for fun. Writing software doesn't always have to be a stressful process and/or some religious war against proprietary software. This license may not be a good option if you're developing a serious project that you want to make sure has a license that has certain restrictions, but if you're just making something and you don't care about any of this, the WTFPL is a fine option.
Now to be honest, I'm still wondering why a license like this even exists when you could just put your project under the public domain or not have a license at all. I can't say for sure why this license is a thing, but I think I know why. Perhaps this license serves not as a license, but simply as a statement. If you go to a project that has no license, you can't really be sure if that's intentional or how the owner of the project would personally feel if you do something with their project they weren't expecting. Even with the creative commons license you could argue it's too serious of a license since it pretty much demands that all copyrighted works eventually lose their copyright and become public domain whether they like it or not (unless you're disney's mickey mouse lol). With the WTFPL however, you're letting people know "Hey. I don't care what you do, just do it.". You don't have to worry about falling on this license nor do you really have to follow any rules. What this license does is quickly ensure to whoever is looking at your project that you don't give a shit and you're willing to let anybody do anything with your project.